Vivado ila vs system ila Following that we will introduce the system ILA which adds a number of standard interface probes to connect The LogiCORE™ IP ChipScope™ Integrated Logic Analyzer (ILA) core is a customizable logic analyzer core that can be used to monitor any internal signal of your design. hw_ila_data表示保存在存储器中的ila文件. I don't see any optimizations in the synthesis log for the IP's which are not working by default (Also tried -verbose options for both synthesis and implementation). It includes steps to create a custom AXI peripheral IP in VHDL, integrate it into a Vivado block explaining how to use System ILA to debug AXI4-Stream. And the whole design works as expected only after reducing the clock frequency. The archive I couldn't figure out what are the differences between ATG(Advanced Traffic Generator), VIO(Virtual IO) and ILA(Integrated Logic Analyzer) when I use the ViVADO to open a example design. Important Note: This downloadable PDF of an Answer Record is provided to enhance its usability and readability. Hi, guys I'm running ILA on Vivado. 1). Then compile the design to generate the bitstream. 05 to help debugging. 2 主要内容 文章大约5000字,主要内容有: 1、ILA是干什么用的? 2、vivado中添加添加ILA的方式有哪些? 3、使用ila时候需要注意什么? 4、 ILA和VIO的区别 5、debug hub 1. Consult the Programming and Debug User Guide UG908 for further details. there was a solution that the device probes file is up-to-date. 1 and only with the The Zynq-7000 SoC ZC702 Evaluation Kit While the method presented in Lab 1 allows the user to connect the ILA to a net inside the IP, I recommend the method used in this Lab 2 as it really is easier and quicker. when i open hardware manager i`ve got a problem. We see that it defines a clock frequency (default is 300 MHz). The issue is that the Vivado UI provides a way to enable multiple triggers with one action. The single ILA version is on the left, the two ILA version is on the right. To view the signals, additional signals are place and routed but used The ILA is the final result, so it is by default correct. 文章浏览阅读4. im using vivado 13. 1 Experiment Objective Continue to practice using develop board Continue to practice the call of system resource PLL Learn to use ILA (Integrated Logic Analyzer) in hello. 3; pp 113-122) for step-by-step instructions on how to use System ILA to debug. 文章浏览阅读3. WDB是波形数据库(波形数据) ILA 失败情景 情景1:没 Vivado 里 system ila 和 ila 有啥区别 : 至芯科技ZX系列开发板正在火爆发售! 回复. 如果你是用block design进行的设计,可以在想要debug的信号上直接右键debug。然后选择让VIVADO自动帮你生成ILA。 VIO. 1 Q + ct » e. This port mapping is recorded in the LTX file in the Vivado design flow. This feature should be used when there is a need to monitor interfaces and signals in the design. 2 实例化ILA模块总结 前言 这里用于记录小白的FPGA学习过程 使用的硬件平 . 2 6] /ila_0: Xilinx recommends using the System ILA IP in IP Integrator. 0-Rev. 在 vivado 中可以使用 ILA IP 核,使用片内的任意时钟来观测片内的任意信号。 Step1 建立 vivado 工程,添加 IP ,进行布线。 添加Processor System AXI GPIO 2个 ILA IP 核,其中 ILA0 用于观察 AXI GPIO 的 AXI 总 To debug the AXI-Stream bus, you can use either ILA or System ILA. The feature of the full feature system edition of Vivado allows you to view your actual signals in your design with a synthesized logic analyzer. Instrumenting an ILA should be your last resort when it This script will create a block design called system, instantiate ZYNQ PS with one GPIO channel (GPIO14) and one EMIO channel. 2 6] /ila_0: Xilinx recommends using the System ILA IP in IP ILAs are used to test your assumptions that were applied in creating your simulations (where your assumptions went wrong). Note: This tutorial is intended to be used only with Vivado 2019. In this Video Series entry we will cover 2 different methods for ILA insertion (netlist insertion and instantiation in IP Integrator) and how we can use the ILA to debug a video system. You can reference the Vivado Design Suite Designing IP Subsystems Using IP Integrator User Guide (UG994; v2017. 细微的差别在于ILA只能配置成检测普通信号 (Native Mode)或者AXI总线信号 (AXI Mode)中的其中一种; 而System ILA可以同时检测两种信号. I think it should work like this: - create an ILA - select "Interface" mode - connect an ILA port as a side tee to an existing interface connection - the ILA should pick up this interface definition and make that input port a read (1) Maybe but as long as timing is met, I believe the difference shouldn't change anything. Slide 5 Clock Skew •What is it? A B clk clk@ A clk @ B skew delay. Note that the destination clock in the failing path is clk161 which is connected to u_ila_1's clock port (as shown on line 185 above). To view the signals, additional signals are place and routed but used internally to display 本专栏旨在为使用Xilinx FPGA/SoC + Vivado设计硬件的小伙伴们提供一系列教程, 主要以Zedboard为平台介绍Vivado提供的几种硬件调试工具. Integrated Logic Analyzer (ILA) 功能支持您在 FPGA 或 Versal ™ 器件上对实现后的设计执行系统内调试。 需要监控设计 内的信号时, 应使用此功能。 另外 , 您还可以使用此功能触发硬件事件并以系统级速度采集数据。 ILA 核心可在 RTL 代码中例化 , 或者也可在 Vivado 设计流程中完成综合后插入。 Experiment 2 Analysis of Switch Signals via ILA 2. 2 文章浏览阅读825次,点赞5次,收藏6次。VIVADO中编写完程序上板测试时经常会用到viavdo自带的ILA逻辑分析仪IP核,在ILAIP核的产品手册中,明确说明采样时钟必须为永不停息的时钟,也就是只能是系统时钟或PLL、MMCM分频倍频出来的时钟,用户通过时序逻辑分频的时钟是无法使用的,这就造成了在采样 System ILA (System Integrated Logic Analyzer) 機能を使用すると、FPGA デバイスのインプリメント後のデザインをインシステムでデバッグできます。 System ILA - 2024. . There are two ways to probe the nodes you want to watch. The question is simple: which is the difference in using a System ILA IP core instead of an ILA (Integrated Logic Analyzer) IP core? The configuration tabs are similar and seems that the For IPI designs, it is recommended to use the System ILA IP since it is better at handling interface nets, AXI transaction capturing, etc. Slide 6 Clock Tree clk distributed from here H tree. And I got this at the VIVADO hierarchy: So,What are the differences between ATG, VIO and ILA? How do they usually work together in a project? Thank you! For more information on working with the Vivado hardware manager, and However, new block designs should use the System ILA debug core as described at Using the System ILA IP to Debug a Block Design. 虚拟IO,可以方 None of the connections changed on the original ILA when I added the second. ILA介绍 ILA(Integrated Logic Analyzer)集成逻辑分析器:即Vivado的在线逻辑分析仪,其借用了传统逻辑分析仪的理念以及大部分的功能,并利用FPGA 中的逻辑资源,将这些功能植入到FPGA 的设计当中。ILA是用IP Vivado下debug后的波形通过图形化界面并不能保存抓取到波形,保存按钮只是保存波形配置,如果需要保存波形需要通过TCL命令来实现: write_hw_ila_data0730_ila_1 [upload_hw_ila_data hw_ila_1] write_hw_ila_data 0730_ila_2 [upload_hw_ila_data hw_ila_2] 0730_ila_1为保存的文件名,需要带路径 If the first port is already broken out, then you can't even start a connection to the signals in the second port. 2 主要内容 文章大约5000字,主要内容有: 1、ILA是干什么用的? 2、vivado中添加添加ILA的方式有哪些? 3、使用ila时候需要注意什么? 4、 ILA和VIO的区别 5、debug hub core 6、 ILA(Integrated Logic Analyzed)和System ILA区别 get_waveform_data¶ ila. Can be connected to another ILA and create cascading of Trigger. ILA core has a probe calle 文章浏览阅读428次,点赞4次,收藏10次。深入探索Vivado ILA:提升FPGA调试效率的利器 【下载地址】VivadoILA使用指南分享 Vivado ILA 使用指南本仓库提供了一份详细的资源文件,名为“Vivado下ILA使用指南. I use it to communicate with MATLAB frequently myself. 打开 Vivado HLS 或者 Vivado IDE。 2. The IP integrator debugging flow has four distinct phases: Mark the interfaces or nets to be probed usi 刚刚开始学习Zynq 7000的时候,看到别人问ILA的问题时,说是集成逻辑分析仪,我觉得这是一个好东西,我一定要学会它。我是买了黑金的AX7010, 后来换成AC7010,开始学习Zynq 7000的,当然他的平台是Vivado 片内逻辑分析仪的使用原理 使用ila观测axi总线以及用户逻辑 学习内容 本课 重点介绍片内逻辑分析仪的使用原理,以及如何使用 ila 对 axi 总 线进行观测分析,实现对 fpga 设计的全局规划和细节分析。 实现步骤 逻辑分析仪 1. get_waveform_data (probe_names = None, start_window_idx = 0, window_count = None, start_sample_idx = 0, sample_count = None, include_trigger = False, include_sample_info = False) Lab 2 - Using the IP Instantiation Method. Instantiate ila_0 in The LogiCORE™ IP Integrated Logic Analyzer (ILA) core is a customizable logic analyzer core that can be used to monitor any internal signal of your design. so, i checked Hardware Device Properties > probes file : /impl_1/debug_nets. You can simulate anything you can imagine to test your design Vivado提供ILA和System ILA, 这二者在我看来差别不大 (特别是新版的ILA). It is important to note that Answer Records are Web-based content that are frequently updated as new information becomes available. There is a logical mapping between ports of an ILA core and elements in the user’s design. 搜索ila如图5。 图5 ila ip. 提升卡; 置顶卡; 沉默卡; 喧嚣卡 The feature of the full feature system edition of Vivado allows you to view your actual signals in your design with a synthesized logic analyzer. eform - llw_ilac. You need to change that clock to match your The Integrated Logic Analyzer (ILA) IP with AXIS interface is a configurable logic analyzer core that can debug and monitor internal signals and AXI interfaces within a design. You can also use this feature to trigger interface an 这样的好处是可以观察更多的信号,且不需要手动去实例化ILA。 SYSTEM ILA. Hi , To debug the AXI-Stream bus, you can use either ILA or System ILA. To view the signals, additional signals are place and routed but used internally to display ZYNQ学习_3-Vivado下ILA调试学习 文章目录ZYNQ学习_3-Vivado下ILA调试学习前言一、ILA介绍二、在线调试2. Sim is way more important then using an ILA, because it's part of a good workflow. The -csv option is probably your best bet In general, Vivado and Quartus have very different attitudes towards TCL scripting - in Vivado it's optimal, in Quartus it just kind of 总而言之, 如果需要观察信号的话,主要使用ILA。 Vivado提供ILA和System ILA。 这两者的差别在于ILA只能配置成检测普通信号(Native Mode)或者AXI总线信号(AXI Mode)中的其中一种;而System ILA可以同时检测两种信号。 Xilinx Answer 61596 Vivado ILA Usage Guide for 7 Series Integrated Block for PCI Express . 文章内容主要源自对官方文档的归纳整理, 读过本教程后应该能更容易读懂官方文 Integrated Logic Analyzer ILA (Draft) The feature of the full feature system edition of Vivado allows you to view your actual signals in your design with a virtual logic analyzer. 1 ila IP和vio IP的创建. The System ILA Introduction The customizable System Integrated Logic Analyzer (System ILA) IP core is a logic analyzer which can be used to monitor the internal signals and interfaces of a design. (clk) for ILA is generally the system clock, clk_65mhz in this example. ila. Thank you for the support! VIVADO; インストールおよびライセンス #analize #zynq #fpga #vivado #vhdl #verilog ghur IMPORTANT: Note that the comparator is set at run time through the Vivado logic analyzer. This sub is dedicated to discussion and questions about embedded systems: "a controller programmed and controlled by a real-time operating system (RTOS) with a dedicated function within a larger mechanical or electrical system, often with real-time AMD Vivado provides the ILA (integrated logic analyzer) and system ILA to improve the visibility into your designs for debug. v which will instantiate the system. axis tlm vs axis rtl (System ILA) System ILS has these two options to sniff AXIS ports (tlm and rtl). 可定制的 System Integrated Logic Analyzer (System ILA) IP 核是一个逻辑分析器,用于监测设计的内部信号和接口。System ILA 核包括现代逻辑分析器的大量高级特性,如布尔触发器方程式以及边缘过渡触发器。该核还提供接口调试和监控功能以及 AXI4-MM 和 AXI4-Stream 的协议检查。 文章专栏:《黑猫的FPGA知识合集》 1. 9k次,点赞43次,收藏76次。首先介绍了什么是逻辑分析仪,以及vivado中的在线逻辑分析仪,包括在Vivado中插入IP核的方法。然后通过呼吸灯的例子,讲解了ILA IP核的配置、综合、例化等几个步骤。_ila The feature of the full feature system edition of Vivado allows you to view your actual signals in your design with a synthesized logic analyzer. 2 实例化ILA模块总结 前言 这里用于记录小白的FPGA学习过程 使用的硬件平台:ZYNQ7020 参考资料:ALINX 《ZYNQ开发平台教程》 开发工具:Vivado_2018. then, re-program the device. ila [upload_hw_ila_data hw_ila_1] This Tcl command sequence uploads the captured data from the ILA core and writes it to an archive file called my_hw_ila_data_file. 0 and ILA chipscope 1. It seems I need create the IP and instantiate it in my design, connected the ports I want to monitor with ILA. when i finsihed implementation, i tried to check my design using ila ip core(3. I really like these trenz products and would like to use them on a number of systems at work. 文章浏览阅读1. • I ILA Status: Idle Name This tutorial covers using the Integrated Logic Analyzer (ILA) and Virtual Input/Output 文章专栏:《黑猫的FPGA知识合集》 1. 导入项目或创建新项目。 3. Go through the warnings starting with Critical ones. But whatever settings I keep, I am getting the below error, ERROR: [Labtools 27-3412] Mismatch between the design programmed into the device 'xczu5' (JTAG device index = '0' I have a design where some part of the design will work by default and some part of the design works after adding the debug probes . ltx i 而Xilinx的vivado已经可以通过使用内置的ILA(在线逻辑分析仪)进行板上调试,为调试带来不少便捷。具体操作如下: 方法1:例化ILA 核 1. This is not to say you can skip sim. VIVADO下ILA使用指南 ILA是VIVADO下的一个DEBUG- IP,类似于片上逻辑分析仪,通过在RTL设计中嵌入ILA核,可以抓取信号的实时波形,帮助我们定位问题。本文档以一个简单的相应时钟域,在一个RTL中可以嵌入多个ILA,方便 #Vivado #Debug #IntegratedLogicAnalyzer #ILA #ChipScopeIn this Video we investigate how internal signals of the FPGA can be captured in real-time using the X System ILA is used to debug in an IP Integrator Block Design. 4w次,点赞19次,收藏95次。在 Vivado下集成逻辑分析仪ILA入门 一文中带着读者走了一遍集成逻辑分析仪ILA的使用过程。当时通过Set up Debug添加需要监控的点,间接添加了ILA, 本文介绍另外一种方法,直接添加逻辑分析仪ILA 的 IP。 这其实是我最开始看到和学习的方法,但没有做成。 The ILA scale is relative to its clock, so if you are clocking the ILA at, say 100MHz, then each measurement in the ILA waveform corresponds to 1 clock cycle, or 1/100MHz = 10ns. 在使用ila的核时,不能只把需要测试的信号连接到ila,还必须设置成端口,不然会在编译时被删除,但是不会报错,只会警告,而且在波形调试界面看不到信号。应该连接成下图这样。 2. 2 for debugging video IP. Single ILA core in a design running in the XC7K325T device on the KC705 board. If your ILA is not configured correctly, then, you will not be able to connect/attach it The customizable System Integrated Logic Analyzer (System ILA) IP core is a logic analyzer which can be used to monitor the internal signals and interfaces of a design. I [xilinx. So, make sure to configure it as follows (shown in the figures below): Monitor type: AXI This document discusses integrating a custom AXI IP core for an FPGA-based embedded system using Vivado and SDK. 在 IP Catalog 中找到 `Xilinx` -> `Debug & Verification` 下的 `ILA Core` 并将其加入到设计中。 4. This sub is dedicated to discussion and questions about embedded systems: "a controller programmed and controlled by a real-time operating system (RTOS) with a dedicated function within a larger mechanical or Walk through of developing a Zynq based design using ILA to monitor the output of an 8 bit counter. jtag的工作频率应该设置成clk频率的分 ILA Probe Functions¶. If an ILA debug core is found in the block design, you will see the following INFO messag Using the ILA IP to Debug a Block Design - 2024. Ila IP的创建,首先打开 IP Catalog如图4。 图4 IP Catalog. Is there any other approach which don't need to instantiate the ILA in my design? Vivado ILA. hw_ila表示的是ila核. 双击打开ila IP ,相关参数设置如图6。 If you are using the System ILA blocks there are Trigger In and Out ports, I have never used them but seems like the thing you are looking for. Vivado提供ILA和System ILA, 这二者在我看来差别不大(特别是新版的ILA). If you have another independent clock in the system ( a second oscilator ) you can do things like a counter on one clock sampled a number of clock Vivado和Vitis都能正常烧写程序,烧写完成后,Vivado中也能正确识别出ILA并打开波形窗口,奇怪的是,ila无法触发,无法显示任何波形,点击Stop Trigger会提示There are no armed ILAs。现象如下图所示。 Xilinx论坛中 ZYNQ学习_3-Vivado下ILA调试学习 文章目录ZYNQ学习_3-Vivado下ILA调试学习前言一、ILA介绍二、在线调试2. The ILA core includes many advanced features of modern logic analyzers, including Boolean trigger equations, trigger sequences, and storage qualification. February 27, 2021 at 6:31 PM. 我们使用Ila将对 rx_data的接收数据进行实时观测,以此来判断程序是否正确。 2. 8k次,点赞32次,收藏66次。Vivado中的ILA(Integrated Logic Analyzer)即集成逻辑分析仪,是一种在线调试工具。ILA允许用户在FPGA上执行系统内的调试,通过实时抓取内部数字信号的波形,帮助我们分析逻辑错误的原因,从而更有效地进行debug。_vivado ila ILA Probe Functions¶. What are the differences? Expand Post. 2. ILA System ILA コアは、監視されているデザインと同期するため、ユーザー デザインへ適用されるすべてのデザイン クロック制約は、System ILA コア内のコンポーネントにも適用されます。 Vivado Design Suite; 関連製品: Integrated Logic Analyzer (ILA) The question is simple: which is the difference in using a System ILA IP core instead of an ILA (Integrated Logic Analyzer) IP core? The configuration tabs are similar and seems that the functions implemented by the two IP are the same. System ILA is an additional wrapper around the ILA that is The System Integrated Logic Analyzer (System ILA) IP core is a logic analyzer that allows you to perform in-system debugging of post-implemented designs on an FPGA device. docx”,旨在帮助用户更好地理解和使用Vivado集成逻辑分析器(ILA) _vivado ali The ILA is a sampled system, so your sampling the clock your sending in, the on screen results will have jitter dependent upon the difference in rate of your ILA clock and the clock your looking at. 1 添加ILA的IP核2. Here is an example Tcl command script that interacts with the following example system: One KC705 board's Digilent JTAG-SMT1 cable (serial number 12345) accessible via a Vivado CSE server running on localhost:3121. AXI Interface on ILA IP core to debug AXI IP cores in a system; For more information about the ILA core, see the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Programming and Debugging; Resource ### Vivado 中 ILA 的两种配置和操作方法 #### 方法一:通过 IP 核添加并配置ILA 在Vivado项目环境中,可以通过IP Catalog来添加ILA核心 Vivado IDE 阶段进度计划主要针对Zynq7000系列芯片,这是一种高度集成的系统级芯片(System-on-Chip,SoC),包含处理系统(Processing System 这对于加速产品开发流程、缩短开发周期至关重要。接下来的章节将会详细探讨ILA的原理、操作以及在ZC706平台上的高级应用。 # 2. If your ILA is not configured correctly, then, you will not be able to connect/attach it to the bus that you want to debug. TCL has a command called write_hw_ila_data that will give you the save to file functionality you mentioned in the first post without needing to use the GUI. However, being able to use Vivado ILA is ESSENTIAL to any engineer working with these SOCs. (2) ILA should be clocked with a clock synchronous to the signals to be captured, so for a DDR system at 125 MHz, use a 250 MHz clock synchronous to that clock. 4. 2 日本語 - UG908 Vivado Design Suite ユーザー ガイド: プログラムおよびデバッグ (UG908) Document ID UG908 LA(Integrated Logic Analyzer),集成逻辑分析仪,允许用户在FPGA设备上执行系统内的调试。作为一名FPGA工程师,掌握在线调试工具进行时序分析是必备的职业技能之一。ILA通过一个或者多个探针(Probe)来实 The debug hub is responsible for the communication between Vivado IDE and the debug cores (ILA and VIO). 03 一 Having to use VIO instead of ILA would be a massive productivity hit as that core is very limited compared to the ILA tool. 总而言之, 如果需要观察信号的话, 主要使用ILA. ILA は、時々ちょっとトリッキーです。 文章浏览阅读33次。### Vivado 中 ILA (集成逻辑分析仪) 使用教程 #### 一、简介 在Vivado开发环境中,集成逻辑分析仪(Integrated Logic Analyzer 在Xilinx VIVADO环境下,ILA (In-System Logic Analyzer) 是一个重要的在线调试工具,它为FPGA设计提供了与传统逻辑分析仪相当的功能 Vivado; Vivado Debug Tools; joancab (Member) asked a question. 赛灵思中文社区论坛欢迎您 (已归档) — dqwuf-2010 (Member) 已询问问题。 我在前面有2篇Vivado 下的集成逻辑分析仪ILA: Vivado下的集成逻辑分析仪ILA 入门 Vivado下集成逻辑分析仪ILA入门续 但没有介绍有sdk 的情况下怎么用,当时也没用过,前几天我觉得有这需要,就找了一篇文章学习,然后 以下是关于如何配置、使用命令以及处理常见问题的信息。 #### 配置 System ILA 为了在 Vivado 中集成并配置 System ILA: 1. The If an ILA debug core is found in the block design, you will see the following INFO message: [xilinx. 在IP Catalog查找栏输入ILA,并选择红框处IP The Xilinx ILA is documented in the and tutorials are provided in Vivado Design Suite Tutorial - Programming and Debugging. com:ip:ila:6. 使用道具 举报. bd (the Now I wonder what the difference/benefit is of using the ILA compared to the simulation? So, few big advantages of using the ILA. WCFG是波形配置(信号颜色,总线进制表示,信号顺序,marker等) 4. Vivado Debug Tools; Like; Answer; Share; 1 The System Integrated Logic Analyzer (System ILA) IP core is a logic analyzer that allows you to perform in-system debugging of post-implemented designs on an FPGA device. 点击IP Catalog 2. Connecting to the ILA using HW Server. Below is a partial diff of the two xdc files. Designing an Overlay using Vivado Integrated Logic Analyzer (ILA) In this series of blogs, I will cover how to use the Integrated Logic Analyzer (ILA) to debug your overlay. ILA Trigger Condition The trigger condition is the result of a Boolean "AND" or "OR" calculation of each of the ILA system such as Zynq-7000 for Embedded Cross Trigger. After designing the Overlay with a System ILA as described in part 1 of this series, we are going to look at how to connect and start analyzing the AXI4-Stream channels. I will suggest ILA for simplicity. But the triggers are enabled in sequence with a large gap in time between the actions (100s of microseconds). It will then create a top-level wrapper file called system_wrapper. When I create a project in Vivado, I want to use ILA 2. See Figure 1-1. 细微的差别在于ILA只能配置成检测普通信号(Native Mode)或者AXI总线信号(AXI Mode)中的其中一种; 而System ILA Currently, the only way to upload captured data from an ILA core and save it to a file is to use the following Tcl command: write_hw_ila_data my_hw_ila_data_file. 3. The System ILA IP is functionally equivalent to an ILA and offers additional benefits in debugging interfaces both within IP Integrator and the Hardware Manager. You can use the markers in the waveform viewer The System ILA debug core in IP integrator allows you to perform in-system debugging of block design on an AMD device. TUTORIAL Using Integrated Logic Analyzer (ILA) and Virtual Input/Output (VIO) Wav. Now you can possibly have timing problems with the ILA, so there is a slight chance of something incorrectly sampled, but with the newer Vivado versions, it's hard to accidentally mix clock domains in a single ILA if you are using the GUI. Use this IP when you need to monitor interfaces and signals in the IP integrator Block Design. The ILA core includes many advanced features such as Boolean trigger equations and edge transition triggers. ``` # 第二章:Vivado ILA基本原理与操作 在了解如何使用Xilinx ZC706进行高级调试之前,我们必须先深入理解Vivado ILA的原理与操作。 ILA 数据和波形的关系 1. Slide 7 v xc7a100t O XADC (System Monitor) hw ila 1 (my ila) o ILA Core Properties hw ila 1 Nanw cell: HW Capture sample count Core status hw ila 1 my ila xc7a100t core 15 Oof 2048 Idle I tried to use ILA in Vivado 2021. Just mark the nets you want as debug, synthesize, then plop in the ILA through the add debug tools that Vivado provides [1]. This webinar will include an overview of the original ILA IP block and how it is used to debug your system. ncr kndchs ckzzw obr bte dnl wssti unin arqv snkcikc vyvns vgrib rgv oxch dyzee