Kenshi companion mod Its. Created by Clonetup. You now can research almost everything by using a Hi, My niece of eight years old is interested in playing Kenshi. I plan to have it split into two mods on the workshop, one which provides all the companions, and the other which incorporates the new enemies into the world. Teirdalin's Personal Load List. New factions, New Locations, New textures, New models including buildings, armor, weapons, tools & items. Workshop mod subscription will only work with Kenshi v0. Also adds clown clothing, which is unisex, so if you want to dress up like a lady clown you can, you sick nerd. (Such as the Grievewraith monsters of myth and lore or Hamut Weapon Mods: This works with weapons added by mods. hard depending on the level of auto you seek but doable. Salem Graves. There’s a reason hes basically become the game’s mascot. You should be able to find and recruit a new LB and then toss his gear onto your old LB though. Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. You can be a trader, a doctor, a peacekeeper, a business man, an explorer, or a mere slave The list goes on, but you've got to stay alive first This mod aims to bring improvements to FFXIV_Viera_Race. i followed the guide to a t, or at least i thought i did, was the mod editor just updated? Nazareth Jul 11, 2023 @ 6:02pm Thanks for the free detailed guide, I've always wanted to add recruitable and enemy NPC's with randomized stats that I get from online random number generators. If the mod uses custom manufacturers or custom weapon grades, it won’t work. This character is alive and well, still not a bad ass, but along with her companions, can survive most encounters, or avoid if necessary. Faction relation a positive 50 with the Dust Bandits. I made this mod in Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. Mod improve performance of water and water effects in the game of kenshi, mod use technology of PSO and adapt it for Water :) Mod also adapt the references its 3DM Mod站拥有全网最新最全的剑士 Mod资源,欢迎广大玩家来下载和分享自己喜欢的Mod作品,更多有趣好玩的 剑士Mod,剑士Mod管理,剑士Mod工具,剑士Mod整合,剑士Mod下载 尽在3DM Mod站! 《剑士(Kenshi)》是由Lo-Fi Games for Windows开发和发布的角色扮演视频游戏。 So I am trying to mess with FCS to mesh two modded starts together. The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. The world is more fleshed out, with more to do and more to see. I mostly put this up for myself or people that want to use it. Teirdalin's Fantasy Collection Yep it was, for a few reasons. Ages ago I found 2 mods, 1 that let you have unlimited companions in your party and another that removed the soft-cap for generating companions. Encounter their patrols, explore their desert stronghold, and choose your path—will you ally with these fierce warriors and join their fight for freedom, or will you oppose them and face their wrath? The choice is yours. Posts: 3. Banished "You are a banished prince, cast off away from the Western Hive Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. Is there a mod that gives me a companion that gives familsh/love dialogs? Like wen agnu screams beeeep if he dies, something like that, a connection Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. Games; All games (3,524) Recently added (76) My games; Your favourited games will be displayed here. This mod works with the New Weapons Dissemination Mod. Increases recruitable units from 30 to 256Increases maximum members in each squad from 20 to 256 Kenshi close Clear game filter; Games. We are Reddit's primary hub for all things modding, from troubleshooting for beginners to creation of mods by experts. New mechanics and Old Mechanics touched upon. Radiant Better Faces & Eyes 4. 1 . 6. But if you just plan to have some companions follow you around with their own armies then you can already play it. 2. Open the pa Breadnought's Facepaints. 63 items. All games (3,540) Recently added (59) My games. Companions Expanded adds new recruits who each have unique personalities and backgrounds, and I've attempted to integrate them into the existing dialogues. Games . This mod contains adult content. You can be a trader, a doctor, a peacekeeper, a business man, an explorer, or a mere slave The list goes on, but you've got to stay alive first Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. Anyone seen a animal cat mod on the workshop? I did a search but only found money and cat people characters. It also adds buildings that generates resorces like copper or fabrics. 22 Comments < > Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. 92. Currently adds 10 facepaints that work with both male and female greenlanders and scorchlanders. You can be a trader, a doctor, a peacekeeper, a business man, an explorer, or a mere slave The list goes on, but you've got to stay alive first About this mod. Mods. Kang - Of the small handful of companions whose combat stats start in the 20-40 range, Kang is the easiest to access, the cheapest to higher, and he's the only Shek companion of this type (other combat companions are all human), which naturally gives him an edge in combat. I can't think of any mod that just adds dialogue but I know a few of the companion mods add new dialogue between the new companions and already This is a simple mod that lets you start as a solo slave (without a companion). He is annoying and terrible and everyone hates him. As long as the mod maker uses the default manufacturers, this mod will work. Kenshi Kenshi Mod Workshop You can manage your mods in the Kenshi launcher when you start the game. A second companion Chole is now recruitable through a mini-que Blunt Class Realistic. 【kenshi】小勢力を強化するMOD「Minor Faction Overhaul」の一覧 . comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A About this mod "The horses have been the companions of humanity for as long as the dirt has been dry. When i was working on my mod "Hub 2. This mod allows you to start with all or some of the Unique recruits available in Kenshi, including two of my own a bull named Milkshake and dog named. Have with and without popsicle stick, and also stands craftable under misc and functioning legs. Gameplay Expansions: Discover new factions, Unique Companions #1: Xavage. This mod is an addon for the Kenshi Modding Guide that can be found here. Yundao HDT Hairstyles for Kenshi 3. 3. They will banter not only with If you've ever found yourself frustrated with companions getting stuck in awkward spots or wished for more refined mod configuration options, these mods are for you! So, sit back, grab your camp supplies, and read on to Welcome to the "Ultimate Kenshi Experience" - a handpicked collection of essential mods that aims to enhance and expand the incredible world of Kenshi. A total world overhaul for Kenshi. I am not an add root and add child dont appear in my mod editor. ルナティックドーンを彷彿とさせる本作は個人的にバニラUIの方が好みですが、ゲームの雰囲気を Credits and distribution permission. If it is in the vanilla lore/dialogue, UWE expanded upon it. U Start with ur Tenno (Emperor) an Hand full High Lvl Samurai, Farmers, one Ninja, an High Skilled monk with an High Bounty, 2 This mod adds a recruitable Clown companion named Steady to the town of Clownsteady. Companion mods you use? upvotes This mod introduces the Dune Huntresses as a unique and immersive faction in Kenshi. Games; All games (3,540) Recently added (63) My games; Your favourited games will be displayed here. Share. if your sparring partners are running around like crazy you're relations to Tech Hunters is too high, there is a relations yes it will. HaTsUnE_NeKo is now maintaining all of my Kenshi mods. You can buy mounts from three locations, each containing things you have not seen before in Kenshi (plus some old ones recycled from Sage Steeds). 0" i was experimenting with the ai and made my squad went auto by mistake so it is possible. Games; All games (3,554) Recently added (73) My games; Your favourited This mod replace unique companions face--THIS MOD REQUIRES--1. #1. This is my attempt to add even more recruits to the game and some spice to your squads. This mod adds a recruitable Clown companion named Steady to the town of Clownsteady. This mod aims to add all the Companions from Mount and Blade: Warband to Kenshi as recruitable characters. 4. Back close Close navigation menu. I just need to fix the npc's おすすめ: 対応ゲーム: Kenshi (Steam版) 藺ジャンル: ユーザーインターフェイス. This allowed me to slowly build up a 90 person party of entirely wandered/companions that was a really fun way of playing the game. This causes him to take a building from the others. So as you know Kenshi has a decent amount of unique recruits that unfortunately has little to no unique dialogues beside their names or their recruit dialogues. my companions mod is out, tho this is a very early version of the mod. She'll join the player after a 6,000 Cats payment which she intends to send home to her mother in Stack. I got my ass whooped enough using Kenshi実況「つづみ工房繁盛記」1話の紹介、武器MOD Fox's Weapons Mod Set中心 The Cat Mod - An Animal Companion Mod. Before I dive into it, I would like to get suggestion for some good mods enhancing the hiver playthrough experience. You can turn adult content on in your preference, if you wish VORTEX. Knife is a Unique Recruit. So I'm playing Kenshi and getting a whole lot of guys when suddenly, he says my squad is full. Visual Enhancements: Immerse yourself in a more beautiful and engaging world with mods that improve textures, lighting, and overall graphics. 44 items. Kenshiの目疲れを防止するUI MOD「Dark UI」です。 黒背景に白字 が採用されシンプルかつ抜群の見やすさを提供します。. Unfavorite. CrazyEvil潛龍. Kenshi close Clear game filter; Games. Skip to content. a My Little Pony inspired mod for the About this mod. well Dogmeat. Add to Collection It was a good run but all my mods for kenshi are henceforth discontinued. This alters the manufacturers which are required to spawn a weapon. The goal is for them all to have about as much dialogue as a Kenshi may be a wonderful sandbox, but I've always found the vanilla companions to be rather lacking. Sep 18, 2018 @ 5:26am Sparring with your party members? cougar206. Vanilla mechanics and lore were taken and expanded upon, instead of trampled. Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources; Upload permission You can upload this file to other sites but you must credit me as the creator of the file; Modification permission You are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the Kenshi. ey there my Kenshi puppers. " -a very old and wise person This mod adds riding to Kenshi. But if it's Kenshi > General Discussions > Topic Details. These all run together with everything subscribed. Teirdalin's Fantasy Collection. JRPG Vanilla =change companions face= Shryke Digna This "Mod" adds the Start Samurai for the Game Kenshi, where u have to Rebuild the Old Empire to its Glory. I want to do a somewhat OP start in Kenshi, where I blend the mod "Old Ironsides" With "The Wolverine" start on the workshop, where my PC starts as the Wolverine Race, and with "Old Ironsides" As his companion in Black Desert City. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews Some other mod's do not correctly set their Player Dialogue's correctly and wont get or always have the sparing dialogue. Decided to go with the style of cardboard. Basically I had accidentally replaced ancient armor with the liberty prime pieces. この猫はHPが低く死にやすいので室内で大切に飼いましょう。ヤギ同様、建物内に入ることできる動物です。 This mod aims to add all the Companions from Mount and Blade: Warband to Kenshi as recruitable characters. You can be a trader, a doctor, a peacekeeper, a business man, an explorer, or a I made this mod in mind for myself and . Due to issues with updating existing mods as a contributor, HaTsUnE_NeKo will be the only person allowed to reupload updated versions of my mods Page served in--s [nexus-next-5d8cbd84c-pmlmm] Join us on Discord Follow us on Twitter Follow us on TikTok Follow us on Twitch Follow us on Youtube Follow us on Instagram Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. But it does make the game to easy in my oppinion and you just don't need it. Plus I kinda doubt anyone would Universal Wasteland Expansion sets out to expand the world of Kenshi in many ways. I anticipate a lot more and a lot deeper mods when people don't need to learn Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. Date Posted: Feb 3, 2020 @ 9:25pm. Increases recruitable units from 30 to 256 Increases maximum members in each This mod adds a recruitable Clown companion named Steady to the town of Clownsteady. We've updated almost every old city to have a new layout or have added to them to give them more definition in their own right. Created by Teirdalin. I love the idea of fleshing out many of the "empty" spaces on the map 分享二十个自用基础型. Unsubscribe In 4 collections by Teirdalin. 久しぶりに Kenshiを再開して、MODを見直したので紹介したいと思います。KenshiのMODの数は1万を超えています。その中から自分好みのMODを探すのも大変です。そこで、私好みのMOD、メジャーなMOD、でき Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. Features Cheat map can be bought in any Cheat Shop Npc can be found at Hub,Sho-Battai,Bad Teeth,World's End,Admag,Heft,Heng and more! This mod adds a npc that you can talk to and get a variety of cheats. All Discussions If you like the mod, please favorite and thumbs up! It helps a lot! Your companion is a default unedited Dust Bandit. What are some of the most essential clothing mods that you have that you can’t play without. Kenshi close Clear game filter. Unsubscribe. This is my attempt to add even more recruits to the game and some spice to your I'm looking for mods like https://steamcommunity. Lera. 最近、Steamワークショップで公開されたkenshi MODの中で気になってるMODワイが気になったMOD13選です。 The Cat Mod - An Animal Companion Mod作者 kenshi世界に、愛くるしい動物や凶暴な動物たちを追加するMODを複数紹介。The Cat Mod - An Animal Companion Modネコ!愛玩用なので戦闘ステータスはほぼないですChickensニワトリを追加。このニワト ey there my Kenshi puppers. For me it is the nomad cape mod it is just irreplaceable. Award. I think modding it to make them more common ruins the fun, because part of Nero - Devil May Cry 5 Companion And Bounty Mod. You can be a trader, a doctor, a peacekeeper, a business man, an explorer, or a Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. Created by Breadnought. Could you please tell me, if it is compatible with Hives Expanded ? Thank you! Kenshi may be a wonderful sandbox, but I've always found the vanilla companions to be rather lacking. Kenshi 2 on the Unreal Engine might be a different story however. The Cats Mods, adds stray cats to the game in various towns and they can be purchased by nomads. 5KB ; 22-- Celebrity Kenshi. Choose to be a thief, a bandit, a rebel, a warlord or a mercenary. Favorited. They are rare but you will find one here and there if you are patient. 194. So I made this little mod which lets me start with a single character. This mod pack is my main mod pack and will remain updated and curated for as long as I am active with Kenshi. com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=786619265 that add new recruits with dialogue or lil quest. If you've ever found yourself frustrated with companions getting stuck in awkward spots or wished for more refined mod configuration options, these mods are for you! So, sit back, grab Go to Kenshi r/Kenshi • by Making a Naruto companion mod. Well now I have Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. Unique DLs-- Total DLs-- but I didn't want to be saddled with a companion. Sep 18, 2018 @ 5:39am There is a mod that makes it possible and it makes sense that you could spar with teamates. Kenshi ; Mods ; Game Starts ; Solo Slave Start; Solo Slave Start. At the moment, the mod only includes Jeremus, Bunduk, Al Nero - Devil May Cry 5 Companion And Bounty Mod. Endorsements. Interact with every NPC in real-time, including modded NPCs; Over 3,000 NPCs have been given their own unique background descriptions; Support for local, OpenRouter, and OpenAI language models; Compatibility with 20+ languages; NPCs remember previous conversations; NPCs are aware of in-game info such as their location, the current Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. kenshi界で未所属の気まぐれで滅ぼされる小勢力を強化するMOD「Minor Faction Overhaul」シリーズの紹介このMODを導入すると、勢力の活動範囲と武器装備が強化されます。 steamワークショップでサブスク数が最も多いkenshiのMOD、TOP30まで紹介。(2024年6月時点)でDL数が多いMOD、多分そう簡単にこの順位は変わらないと思うサブスクをする人が多いMODは、サブスクされる理由がある。バニラだと kenshiで新たなゲームスタートを追加するMOD一覧です。いつものハブスタートは飽きたという人は見てみてください。主に日本人制作者のMODから選んでいます。一部は海外勢人気上位のMODから選んでここに掲載しています。初心者にお勧めの高難易 This mod replace unique companions face --THIS MOD REQUIRES-- 1. Teirdalin's Personal Favorites Imagine if you could have companions that make their own decisions without you influencing them? The game runs on an engine that's legally old enough to drive and modding it can befinicky. Games. The Cat Mod - An Animal Companion Mod. ANiceOakTree's Hairstyles for Kenshi 2. We ask that you please take a I've got a bunch of prisoners and I need a good mod that will let me recruit them as slaves or companions, anyone have a good one? And is there a limit on people you can have in a settlement? Kenshi > General Discussions > Topic Details. You can always take a look at my Lonely Recruits Companions Expanded adds new recruits who each have unique personalities and backgrounds, and I've attempted to integrate them into the existing dialogues. This This mod changes the player's recruitment and squad cap, nothing else is changed. So I have explored a good portion of the world and can say with experience Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. I'm talking mods that improve overall gameplay and quality of life mods. Description Discussions 0 Comments 116 Change Notes. In 4 collections by Teirdalin. NOTICE: Given I've been completely inactive for years this may be obvious, but I am completely done with Kenshi modding. All of my mods are up for grabs to improve or use the assets of if you feel so inclined. Yes you can, you just need to make a mod with a job with the ai you need. Subscribe. She has an Honorable Personality. Kenshi. Just another mod tossed together real quick. 0+ Learn More Steam Workshop: Kenshi. In it, you'll find the completed example bar, and a dialogue package called 'Boron's Tutorial'. Subscribed. You will also start with the same tech as the freedom seekers have. 都是些大家“人人喊打”的MOD,不是游戏增强型而是方便玩家让人感觉很舒服的优化游戏性MOD。 将它放到kenshi启动器MOD列表的最下方(也就是优先级最高),据说把各种汉化全打了会出BUG。 Is there a way to customize max companion limit yourself? I know there's a mod for 256, but is there a higher one or a setting/easy modding ability to get it higher? Login Store Community Kenshi > General Discussions > Topic Details. Mod Hunting: Unlimited Companions . The mesh isn't fleshed to the Kenshi human body and they themselves lack an actual human body mesh are the primary ones though. and was wondering what people think of the Universal Wasteland Expansion mod. JRPG Vanilla =change companions face= Shryke Digna Headshot Izumi Lumi Miu Pia Ruka Seto. 1. 自己用的mod,拓展了很多原版内容,加在一起能完美兼容非常好玩。 This mod replace unique companions face --THIS MOD REQUIRES-- 1. headtony27 Sep 18 Legendary of Kenshi is the mod that buffs NPCs across the board with the occasional absurd ones that break the rules by having stats nearing 200, yeah? If they end up preferring small squad/solo gameplay, having both Legendary of Kenshi & Attack Slots x3 sounds like it will be ridiculously rough for a beginner. She is a Flotsam Ninja looking to travel. Plus I kinda doubt anyone would Key Features. Browse 1,257 mods for Kenshi at Nexus Mods. Kang is very likely to outdo the main character in combat stats, or at kenshiの気になるMODを頑張って集めました!少しずつ解説ページも追加していきますので、ご希望のMODがあればコメントください。 UI系・グラフィックMOD 【 Dark UI 】 UIより暗く外観に変更するMOD MOD紹 Included in this collection, you'll find: Quality of Life Improvements: Streamline your gameplay with mods that offer better pathfinding, inventory management, and UI enhancements. My RP Lore is my Wolverine is looking for the companion Hello fellow Kenshi enthusiasts! I am planning hiver only playthrough soon. Also, I am planning to play Universal Wasteland Expansion this time. I will My Kenshi Mods List. This collection is a UWE mod pack with a lot of mods that I have acquired and used through the years. Favorite. Has by far the most unique dialogue of any recruit, and is one of the few companions written by Chris hunt. so if your modlist disagrees with the enemies you can just install the companion mod which should be compatible with everything. They will banter not only with each other Recommend Companion Mods: Be sure to subscribe to the 'Kenshi Community Discord' if you haven't already! You may use this mod however you wish, it's intended as both a playable mod and a Modder's Resource, should you wish to learn how to make new questlines yourself! If you release a mod utilizing this resource, please link it in your mod kenshi世界に、愛くるしい動物や凶暴な動物たちを追加するMODを複数紹介。The Cat Mod - An Animal Companion Modネコ!愛玩用なので戦闘ステータスはほぼないですChickensニワトリを追加。このニワト 「Living World」「Legendary of Kenshi」や他にも色々なMODを入れているので、バニラよりNP kenshi 【kenshi】気になる最近のMOD . The goal is for them all to have about as much dialogue as a baseline Kenshi unique recruit. Hm, This mod has Wilful Murder as a 1 of 4 residents of Bastion, with only 3 buildings. View mod page View image gallery Whether it’s quality of life mods, better skins, rich characters, or minor corrections which make the game a little more dynamic, here are some of the best mods people should consider including in their game. . 编辑于 2020年03月27日 23:34. In the two years I've been playing Kenshi off and on I'm actually quite disappointed, whenever I take a break and check the workshop for new mods I always see what overhauls or QOL It seems like people are finally putting out recruit mods now that the FCS is filled out with the full game release, so I'm adding mine to the pile. Aside from her recruitment dialogue, all her other dialogue is Kenshi. Thank you for any help, Teal :) Updates. 一些小伙伴问我都装了那些MOD,这里全部放出来吧。有配截图,但数量太多就不对应了。截图中有文字中没有的要么是前置MOD,要么是我还没拿出来用过的。 Erm, well, I had a really large flaw with the mod from the beginning and didn't really realize it till now. I'm starting a new game for the first time in a while and wanna make it Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. Due to me pursuing youtube as a hobby I am no longer maintaining my kenshi mods. chevron_right. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews Vergil - Devil May Cry 5 Companion And Bounty Mod. :) She would like an animal cat for a companion, which I am trying to find, or learn blender and see if I could make or use a blender model to put in Kenshi for her. Jun 10, 2024 @ 4:54pm Increase Companion Limit easily 一些超好用的KENSHI mod 推荐. This also adds two new starts, which I'm pretty sure are probably impossible due to the way the game works as well as a wanderer with cats start. As of This mod changes the player's recruitment and squad cap, nothing else is changed. View mod page; View image gallery; Seto Dialogue Overhaul. *** Requirement ***FFXIV_Viera_Race v1. stbgvu scsct bxirh etgzjs fygm agdpcu csrzdw zksrh olcrwrig cdszgxyl arkpi eyspjsur pva hxuafdz wlg