Ecobee run humidifier without heat There should be a wire in the PEK+ terminal if you're using the PEK. Today I have a Honeywell in the duct work and it has an outside temperature probe. Is there anything else we can try before we try a new device? ecobee thermostats work with radiant heating systems, multistage, and dual-fuel heat pumps. In this way, the fan runs when the humidifier runs. alternative would be to run an 18/8 thermostat No, not specific to the ecobee at least. Last edited: Sep 28, And I don't think the air going into the heat exchanger would be moist enough to make any difference. I'm wondering if the humidifier would work okay with just the fan because I assume the evaporative concept relies on heat from the furnace. plus an EcoBee or similar thermostat to run, if not a DIY project, would probably be $2000ish to install. Am I right in this? My Bryant furnace model 340aav048100absa is connected directly to my Lennox Healthy Climate HCWB3-17 bypass humidifier without being connected to the ecobee 3 Also without taking the thermostat off and looking at the wiring is there away to see if the ecbobee will be compatible with my furnace. Most likely the wire bundle going to Wand C is coming from a humidifier. if temp Your humidifier is not like your AC that has a huge inrush of power to get started, and is very expensive to run. The image Fan won’t run without heat Problem Looking for some help on how I have this wired incorrectly. The ecobee Make sure to tell the Ecobee that you have a STEAM type humidifier. Sort by: The literature for the Aprilaire 700 series states that it can be run just fine without heat from the furnace if the water line tapped into the hot water. It is no longer true that heat pumps don’t work in cold climates. Valheim; Genshin Impact; Minecraft; The issue with Ecobee and AC Integrated Dehum modes is that Ecobee doesn’t differentiate between this and a stand alone dehumidifier. Setup the humidifier in Ecobee as a STEAM type. Use the Thermostat Compatibility Checker or reach out to our support team at By activating fan-only mode on Ecobee, youll be able to save energy and money while still staying cool. You can test by shutting off power, at the thermostat, connect Rc and W. The reason why we want the furnace to do it is because it does not start the time delay until the flame sensor satisfied that burning is occurring. Your system won't be compatible if it uses separate O and B wires. I selected 1 as all i need is a 24VAC input to activate humidifier dry The fan will run in Cool or Heat mode. PS: Quick plug for the Aprilair 700M (manual since your thermostat will be When the heat is on and the humidifier is active it has no problem raising the humidity levels, but as soon as they're off the humidity levels seem to drop quickly. Industry-leading reliability You need to buy a humidifier and run it separately; ecobee doesn't control this. If the humidifier does not turn on, double-check the I recently installed an Ecobee Smart Thermostat and I'm looking at adding an evaporative bypass humidifier. connecting to W + C will run when the heat is on. I’m in Indiana so we’re neighbors, lol. I only have a furnace, not AC connected. It's set to ON. Use the Thermostat Compatibility Checker or reach out to our support team at 1‑877‑932‑6233. It supports conventional (2H/2C) and heat The thermostat indicates AUX (strip toaster) heat when engaged during a heat pump cycle. "The ecobee can take anywhere from 24-29vAC from your HVAC unit. Lastly, If you have a bypass humidifier and want it to humidify with the fan when there is no need for heat, tell the Ecobee you have a steam humidifier (recommend this only if you have your bypass hooked up to hot water line as bypass on cold line with the fan doesn't humidify very well) Although running a humidifier without heat is less efficient than with heat, they are still capable of delivering humidity in just the fan mode only. This has been working great, however I think the That diagram illustrates a basic humidifier connection but it doesn't show humidity control. My system uses an Ecobee 4 with heat strip relay connected to W1. The humidifier has to run when the heat is off, so setting it up as Installing ecobee with Heat Pump & Dual Fuel Systems. What I did was create a circuit from ACC+ to the humidifier, the I’m the other lead of the humidifier to a 24v source (C port, direct from the transformer, etc), and then from the 24v source back to ACC- When wiring an ecobee thermostat for a multi-speed fan system, specific wiring terminals on the ecobee will need to be repurposed to accommodate for the lack of dedicated Ecobee accessory - Humidifier vs Air exchanger . I brought our ecobee 3 from the old house. If you have more than one wire going into these terminals, only label those going to your We were on "Auto" for our threshold settings and our heat pump was running for hours without increasing the temp (when we would have expected it to failover to the backup/Aux heat source) We've also tried setting our "Compressor to Aux Runtime” as others have suggested, but we also have "Compressor to Aux Temperature Delta” (i. Everything ran fine. Categories. If you want the Aprilaire to function independent of the heat, you would select steam. Our previous heat pump + Ecobee would definitely start the fan for maybe 10 seconds before the compressor kicked in, and would continue to run the fan for as much as 15 or so seconds after the compressor stopped. If you feel you have a 2 stage furnace, you may contact a technician to have thermostat wires on W1 and W2. For my setup I chose to let Ecobee control the furnace fan and runtimes. First, you can't use the PEK AND the C wire at the same time. But I need the steam humidifier to run without heat. Furnaces that run a lot, especially multistage, really don't need the steam humidifier to run independently of the furnace. I read you can force it to run without heat by making it a steam humidifier in Ecobee but I haven’t needed to do that since I’m having no problem maintaining the set point this way. Humidifier test works from ecobee if I set it to on, the water valves open and the water flows. the dehumidification due to A/C is a problem. I didn't have enough wires ran to my ecobee to run an accessory, and I didn't want to break holes in walls to run wiresso I took the following approach: Reno prep: heat pump, erv The installer responded that I should upgrade the Ecobee, but the only model that supports *both* a humidifier (1 wire accessory) *and* a 2 stage aux furnace is the Premium, which is $300+ :( Is there an alternate wiring of the humidifier that can use the heat pump signals (Y1 + NOT O/B) ? ecobee thermostats work with radiant heating systems, multistage, and dual-fuel heat pumps. The Vanee Lite Touch Control #40270 is cheap to buy and would need 3 wires. In winter, the ecobee won't heat the house as much as it normally would at the same temperature—for energy savings and improved comfort. What happens when humidity is low? When humidity is significantly lower than the average level over the past few days, any given temperature will feel cooler than it normally would. Easy to do if you understand electricity. From reading this subreddit I believe i require 2 more wires to connect the Ecobee to the humidifier. You can change the mode easily if your unit has two wires, connecting to G + C will run when the fan is on. Set it to ECOBEE in this area. I like it because it turns the dumb manual humidifier into an automatic one and the Ecobee is able to adjust target humidity levels based on outside air temperature Like it will attempt to optimize humidification, heat, and fan runtime together, or will run them as needed, also has a built in air circulation feature where you tell it run the fan for minimum of x minutes per hour and it will attempt to use those minutes efficiently, also the extra room sensor helps for that cold or hotspot in the house Carrier evaporative humidifier is set up as a one wire evaporative on ACC+. But, it will only Set the manual humidifier to 50% not frost control. Our house commonly cooks to 77 with a 5 degree overcool to 72. 2 Dual-fuel HVAC systems (also known as a hybrid, split, or packaged system) include a heat pump for primary heating and cooling and a For nest it will treat the W1 and W2 devices as separate and mutually exclusive of the heat pump. This is not by use of the ecobee or any other control. suppose there could be a scheme to run the aux heat (resistive or) and also the a/c heat pump in cool mode to dehumidify if the aux coils are down stream of the cooling coils If there's no compelling reason to hook up the humidifier to the ecobee, I can just get the ecobee3 lite instead of the ecobee4. I can use the humidifier controller to control the humidity but it will only run when there is a call for heat from the thermostat. I run a steam humidifier and two dehumidifiers with ecobee's cooperation, but use a home automation system to do the logic. Humidity was fine and perfectly maintained. Sucks you ran the extra wire, but hey now you have headroom to go to 2-stage heat or AC in the future :) Summers can turn your home into a sauna. My current house does not have a whole house humidifier system in the furnace, so I bought the aircare 2. Compressor to Aux Runtime controls how long the ecobee will run the heat pump without hitting the setpoint before engaging Auxiliary Heat. The T10 is able to turn on the humidifier any time the fan is running IF it’s set up as a steam humidifier. I didn't know how to use my humidifier when I first moved into my house, so we actually had some nails poke through the other side of the drywall because the The Ecobee has the ability to control the fan instead of the furnace controlling the fan. As a result, I can't get my humidity increased sufficiently. The Ecobee will only control 1 of the HRV fan speeds and has a good humidifier frost protection option so I would use the Ecobee to control the humidifier. So, take advantage of the fan-only mode and start saving energy today! Advantages of Fan-Only Mode Works with most 24VAC HVAC equipment, including conventional furnaces and air conditioners (2H/2C), heat pumps (2H/2C + 1 stage AUX heat), boilers, and PTACs or fan coil Wiring a humidifier to an Ecobee smart thermostat can help regulate the humidity levels in your home, keeping it comfortable and preventing issues like dry air or excessive moisture. The ecobee has a setting for "type of humidifier" where the options are "steam" I went through the ecobee setup and it seems to find the humidifier correctly. Threshold settings for ecobee thermostats. I think the high speed fan with steam but no heat might not create condensation that I got. But, it will only turn on if I have the ecobee on heat mode. I tried moving the common connection to the HUM24vac port, which turns on when the furnace is running with no luck. It is only running as heat I do this because it allows for the system to turn on only the fan and humidifier, rather than only running the humidifier when there is heat. 6K THE MAIN WALL; 3. Ecobee nicely displays the dip cuased by A/C (graph). The ecobee operates the same way. It will just waste your cold water. Fan Circulate-This feature lets you run your fan at regular intervals without running your heat or AC. But on the majority of heating The wiring diagram ecobee provided didn’t work. By telling the Ecobee that the humidifier is steam, it is turned on regardless of heat/cool along with the furnace fan. Last summer AC was fine. 5 gallon console, which works great but you have to Run the wires, use the existing wires to pull the new wires into place. I have a non working C wire which was stuffed into the wall, so I did Short Answer. 0. So when a given zone calls for humidity, only that zone gets fan/heat. They're ideal when you don't have to run the heat much, since the steam humidifier can create humidity on ecobee Smart Thermostat Lite is easy to install and works with most 24VAC HVAC equipment, including gas, oil, electric, dual fuel, and forced air. It was the only way to maintain the set temp. So when you heat the air up, RH goes down. What’s changed? Long: Back in the day heat pumps only worked down to 26°F (or −3°C) before switching over to the more expensive backup heating, so there’s a lot of out-dated information out there. As soon as I disabled wifi and restarted the device the heat was able to run all night without issue, but my thermostat is no longer "smart". My original thermostat had a frost control setting that kept the fan running to prevent frost and also would prevent the humidifier from coming on. If the tech hadn’t fixed our issue, it would be 65-66 in our house with the heat pump running continuously. My HVAC guy doesn't know how to do it and keeps insisting on using the provided humidistat which I don't want to do. Pipe the humidifier to HOT water. a thermostat will only activate a humidifier when set to heat mode, and the burners are lit. I ran the aux heat only before the ecobee was adjusted/thresholds changed. The steam setting will let the ecobee turn on the fan (high speed, I think) when steam needs to be produced when there's no heat call. What if the ignitor is bad, or something else, causing the heat not to come on in the furnace? So I'm looking for a way to have the humidifier come on only when The Ecobee can control an HRV or humidifier but not both. The Ecobee is forcing humidifier + heat + fan ONLY. I then re-installed the Ecobee and when I turn on the heat only the fan starts up - the heat doesn't even Looking at HomeIQ, my humidifier is trying to run without heat, but my furnace is turning the heat on anyways. Natural gas has always been the traditional heating source in this part of the country. NOTE: Once you have everything hooked up, you will see the humidifier show up in the Ecobee graphs as a purple bar. MAIN MENU > SETTINGS > INSTALLATION SETTINGS > EQUIPMENT > FURNACE > FAN CONTROL IN HEAT MODE. Any ideas what would cause this, the HVAC guy blamed the ecobee, but honestly that seems like a cop out. Faster evaporation will be less run-time for the humidifier. I don't think heat only on Ecobee would matter, unless furnace heat/cool was also wired to Ecobee, which isn't the case. I was concerned that the Ecobee relied on Internet for outdoor temp (which it does) and not really accurate for where I am. You can set the thermostat to run the fan when no heat is needed Also, is the heat running? It's evaporative, which means it'll only activate the humidifier if it's calling for humidity while the heat is running. Did the same in previous house's Aprilaire powered humidifier. I had a total of 7 wires available, but need to free up C, so I could use two remaining wires for an accessory (humidifier). Recently replaced Nest thermostat with the Ecobee Smart Premium. Good to know: These tests will bypass any thresholds including compressor Aprilaire 700M Humidifier + Ecobee enhanced an Aprilaire 700M which is wired directly into the thermostat and furnace board so it runs whenever there is a call for heat (no humidistat). Steam So ideally, I would just take the HE300A out, put new sheet metal over the hole When the burners kick on, the humidifier control panel powers off completely and nothing happens until the burners kick off again. Additionally, ecobee thermostats feature advanced technology such as Smart Recovery, which helps to ensure that your home is heated or cooled to your desired temperature at the ecobee Citizen: It was once common knowledge that heat pumps don’t work in cold climates. In that video the guy mentions some good details about choosing "steam" when configuring the humidifier on the ecobee. It just requires a fan relay be added to the circuit for the humidifier. With the humidifier set to "evaporative" (and Frost Control), I could see from the System Monitor that it was running the humidifier 100% of the time the furnace was Anyways, fast forward to this past week. If you'd like it to only run with heat, you can tell ecobee it's a regular humidifier and it will only kick on when the heat is Y W G C R W Y G R 29 STEP 8 Label only the R, Y or Y1, G, and W or W1 wires with the matching labels provided. In 2019 we had a Goodman whole I wanted to make this post in case anyone else runs into the same issue that I just experienced with my Ecobee 3. The 1 1 Smart Thermostat Enhanced only supports 2-stage heat pumps and 1 stage of auxiliary heat. Share Add a Comment. Coming soon: Power Extender Kit available separately for installation in homes without a C or common wire. The issue that I'm having is that the heat has not been running that often. Hi, I want to wire the aprilaire 800 steam humidifier to my ecobee instead of the model 62 humidistat that comes with the unit. I'm aiming for about 35%, and I'm at 25%. The air passing through a furnace can't absorb moisture effectively without heat being added, which is why I would like to control my flow-through humidifier from the Ecobee as well. They are designed to work with single and dual stage heat pumps, as well as with electric, gas, and oil furnaces. Heat pumps get marginal and if you really get cold, resistance heat will cost you. There is an inverse/opposite relationship between Temperature and Relative Humidity (RH). Ecobee won’t do this. If heat kicks in, then that is the problem. ecobee thermostats are compatible with heat pump and dual fuel setups, provided your system uses a single O/B wire. You can rig up two relays, but that's such a hack job if it requires the fan or the heat to be running. 1K A-C, Heat Pumps & Refrigeration; 54 Biomass; 423 Carbon Monoxide Awareness; 97 Chimneys & Flues; 2K Domestic This isn’t an ideal way to control humidity. Thanks. It supports conventional (2H/2C) and heat pump (4H/2C) configurations, 2- and 4-pipe FCU, 2-Pipe FCU + Auto Changeover, and High-rise Heat Pump systems, and supports a 1-wire accessory. (same as over cool but without the rh trigger). Try raising the temp enough that the furnace kicks on, that should cause the humidifier to activate I bet. This is not true, but it will allow the Ecobee to call for humidity even without heat blowing. You can set a 5 degree AC overcool to dehumidify and then use the heat pump to warm things back up. Or humidifier + heat + fan. Gaming. Furnace heat helps, hot water also helps. We have reached out to Ecobee but they have not responded. All Categories; 86. It’s been in the 40’s here. So on the coldest days, that would be fine becuase the heat pump output for my unit is useless, so only aux is fine. Related Articles. I really don't want to have it offline for the entire winter, as that kinda defeats the purpose of buying it in the first place. Next, you said the bottom set of wires are for a humidifier. I have tried changing the settings on the ecobee unit to only run aux heat when the temperature dips below 25 I suspect that is why some people are adamant that the ecobee will not do a humidity call without heat even with the steam preference selected. The way I've connected my humidifier to my ecobee is by connecting the proper wire (forgot which one but did tons of research when I set it up) that comes out of the humidistat to the ACC- terminal at the ecobee and the other wire to the C terminal for power (again forgot exactly how but this should all be setup fine). It’s 15 degrees this AM. Bryan teaches the Kalos techs the art of running a dehumidifier and AC dehumidify modes using an EcoBee thermostat and a 90-340 relay. Water supply is 140°F. The humidifier should activate and start adding moisture to the air. Integrations Hello all! being a bit high-tech, you could try another approach to your humidifier. A better way is to get a zone control board that supports humidifiers. Ecobee acts as thermostat only for basement infloor heat and as humidistat with 2 wires going to furnace (well, 1 going to humidifier, 2nd going to furnace, another wire from furnace to humidifier) Also, on the Ecobee, set the humidifier type to "steam", even though it is technically "evaporative" - the Ecobee will run the humidifier and HVAC fan only when heat is not needed but the humidity is low. B, G and Y. This is to set the FAN MINIMUM RUN TIME. I have an Aprilaire 500M humidifier with an Ecobee thermostat. It's a small amount of air blown through a pad, which If the humidifier is configured as a steam humidifier, it will run on its own with just the fan to maintain humidity levels. If you think of those old floor standing humidifiers, they had no heat and could The water evaporates better with heat. My furnace just heated my house up to 78 degrees trying to raise the humidity, not realizing it also had the heat on. e. I know I can wire it to get power with the fan instead, which would allow the humidifier to run longer because I leave the fan on 24/7. If you're unsure you can also check your system compatibility using the Compatibility Checker tool. (In my experience). the furnace fan will run Ecobee resetting during heat cycle In my case I had a humidifier which took warm air from the hot side, through the humidifier and back to the cold side, this was causing my cold air air the furnace to be prewarmed and resulted in the ecobee Citizen: It was once common knowledge that heat pumps don’t work in cold climates. I set my Ecobee to lower the humidity, which really helps make the air inside feel cooler and more comfortable, even without Most whole house humidifiers requires the fan to be running or the heat to be running for it to work. I turned on the heat and noticed the outdoor unit was running the aux heat. When the humidifier is running without the heat pump, the air is definitely cooler but the additional humidity is needed. The Carrier thermostats only allow 10-minutes of dehumidification at a time to This is the one thing that stopped me from using the wire in the Ecobee to run my humidifier. The humidity sensor is too reactive, and the wiring choices are limited. The 400 is an evaporative bypass humidifier. Can you check your manual to see if you have a HUM terminal and then use the ecobee to connect the ventilator instead? I would still need to run another wire for the ventilator since it requires two. The ecobee will run the fan whenever it calls for humidifier if it's configured as a steam humidifier. The 90-340 is versatil Works with most 24VAC HVAC equipment, including conventional furnaces and air conditioners (2H/2C), heat pumps (2H/2C + 1 stage AUX heat), boilers, and PTACs or fan coil One end of the humidifier wire goes to C on the furnace board, the other end goes to Ecobee ACC+, and change the setup to 1-wire. (W1+C for stage 1 heat; W2 for stage 2 heat) I have the 1 wire configuration selected on the ecobee. This summer I have received several ecobee notification that the house humidity was Thermostat aside, if you use an evaporative humidifier, you can’t use it without heat. It would continuously run without issue then. I know that ecobee can control the humidifier, but my furnace also has a HUM terminal where it can control it during a call for heat. The Aprilaire relay shouldn't be needed as Ecobee has confirmed there is an option to force furnace fan with call for humidity in the settings without the heat having to be on. I have it set up as an evaporative so it will only run when the heat is running, but in Minnesota that is fine. With thermostat no on the wall, turn on power. We have tried setting the comfort settings' fan mode from Auto to On and we went through the Reconfigure menu and verified everything. It didn’t care. Here is the wiring configuration. You can configure it for both "evaporative" humidifiers, which requires the heat to be on, as well as "steam" humidifiers which it can run with the fan, independent of the heating cycle. The only humidifiers that will humidify without a heat source is a steam heater (oh I The Aprilaire steam units can probably run without the heater but the cost of running and maintenance is probably higher. The heat has not been keeping up. I stumbled upon a situation where my system has a Heat Pump (with Aux heat), so normally requires 6 wires (R, C, Y, G, O/B, W). the humidifier would run every time the burner is We also discovered that it would run just fine if we put the ecobee into test mode. It doesn't turn on the forced air without heat just to humidify. to an ecobee enhanced and was wondering if I could wire the humidifier directly into the PEK terminal on the thermostat without a relay. The Nest let me run the humidifier + fan. I do notice I can pick up about 3% during that 10 minutes run without the furnace producing any heat since I do We had a Rheem 96V 2 stage communicating Furnace installed in 2016 with what I believe would be a communicating thermostat. With Ecobee, you can keep your home comfortable without having to constantly run your air conditioning. I wanted to use PEK to achieve the same over 5 wires. I started from ecobee reports and found that it's not activating the output when the fan is on. I want to use the fan mode on the ecobee to run without heat since most of the floor already has radiant heat so the actual Aprilaire documents how to wire in a relay so the humidifier can trigger the blower to come on when humidity is low but there’s not a call for heat. I know you have an EVAPORATIVE type, but you want the fan to run when the humidifier is running, and setting up the Ecobee with a STEAM type works. To resolve this for now, I changed my setting from Steam to Evaporative in the ecobee. Is the Ecobee able to run the fan on a call for humidity? and the EcoBee Enhanced without the need for an extra humidistat inline. It helps a lot with dry skin and chapped lips, but it's also good for the house to be at a pretty consistent humidity year round. On: Run the humidifier to increase the humidity to the configured set point. Aux heat is just an energy inefficient way to do this. No, the heat pump and aux heat both run. During set up, stat asked if im using 1 or 2 wires for humidifier. I currently have an 18/5 thermostat wire running between the Ecobee and the furnace / ac. Yes, ecobee thermostats are compatible with heat pump systems. The Ecobee has 2 terminals ACC + and ACC- When I enable the humidifier on the new Ecobee, which of these terminals is a 24V output? Absolutely no mention of these terminals in documentation that I can find. Once the burners turn off, the panel I hooked one end of the solenoid to my furnace C terminal and the other end to the ACC+ on the ecobee 3. That seems to do an ok job. Ecobee is a poor choice for more advanced systems anyways. I have to set setpoint super low so I can humidify without the burner turning on. While Not really, it still only works intermittently for me. After the wiring is complete, test the humidifier by turning on either the heat or fan mode on your Ecobee 4 thermostat. We do not work in Amps or DC voltage. Change some of the threshold settings when the heat runs so it runs longer and keeps the fan on longer after the heating cycle (Heat Dissipation Time). Typically the heat pump users live in areas that don't have a reliable source of natural gas or propane (in the rural areas). I would prefer the thermostat does the humidity control so it can run to meet the humidity set point. When doing the 1-Wire setup for your humidifier with the humidifier connected to ACC+ on your Ecobee, if after reconfiguring your equipment the wiring diagram shows ACC- as being connected instead of ACC+ you will need to: ecobee Smart Thermostat Lite is easy to install and works with most 24VAC HVAC equipment, including gas, oil, electric, dual fuel, and forced air. Off: Do not operate the humidifier. If yours is setup that way, maybe the Ecobee is running the fan after the burner shuts down to get Ecobee 3 Aprilaire 700 - Return side, hot water I installed a humidifier per the 2 wire configuration in evaporative mode, everything seems to be functioning fine. Any ideas ? Posted by u/upcoming_ny_res_291 - 1 vote and 6 comments The ecobee will cause the fan to run at the very tail end to try to extract extra heat from the heat exchanger. As soon as I turn the heat on, I run the humidifier too. Give the coil a few minutes to drain before you turn the heat up. I went through the ecobee setup and it seems to find the humidifier correctly. ACC+ and ACC-. Looking for some input. Ok. The 'evaporative' setting only activates the humidifier if the heat is on. I was thinking I could put the remote sensors closer to the slab to prevent overruns but that said, this is a graph showing the temps when calling for heat (greater than a 5 degree increase in I have attempted to run the humidifier wires directly to the common and then the spare brown wire, which is then plugged into the ACC+ port on Ecobee. Evaporative humidifiers require a heat source and will not turn on outside of a heating call because of this. The ecobee seems to only control the humidifier but doesn't turn the fan on to run at any stage. Steam humidifiers, on the other hand, can run outside of a heating call since they can add moisture to the airflow on their I have 2022 new AC and gas furnace and this fine ecobee that came with it. The following is a personal preference setting MAIN MENU > SYSTEM > FAN. What us your RH setpoint %? The common belief is the heat dries out your air. I think I can run a single wire from ecobee acc+ terminal to water solenoid on humidifier Without needing to use the transformer or manual humidistat it came with . I read somewhere about someone listing the humidifier as a steam model on the Ecobee configuration. You would set the Ecobee up as a one wire setup I have the Ecobee set to Frost Control on a Steam Humidifier (even though it's an evaporative model), and it allows it to run with strictly the furnace blower fan running. Mines at 15min per hr, it helps to balance the temp differences and ensures there's time for the humidifier to run in the winter. The lack of added heat from furnace means the steam can much more easily condense and condensation inside your duct work is very bad. It's just a fan if you have the evaporative type. If you are successful in getting your humidifier to run with the fan only on cold water it will not humidify at all. For me. So many things wrong with your install. . The humidifier has a fan so that it can run without the furnace needing to run. Use the Thermostat Compatibility Checker or reach out to our support team at 1-877-932-6233 for further assistance. It becomes set and forget, save for the humidifier pad reminders. You can also see the status on your phone app and with the web app. Reply reply TOPICS. If you want it to only run in conjunction with the heat, it would be evaporative. In that case, you're missing a set of I have the ecobee 3 and ran ACC wires. The ecobee lets you buy a dumb humidifier without a humidistat, and automatically adjusts the indoor humidity based on the outside temperature to prevent condensation on the inside windows. By selecting steam, the furnace fan will run when the humidifier is running. Although I noticed when the thermostat calls for heat the humidifier turns on immediately while the Can ecobee run humidifier without heat? 2) You have to know that when you set up your humidifier with Ecobee, you have to tell it that it’s a “steam” humidifier, NOT an evaporative one. Please read the instructions on how to wire the ecobee with no C wire. If you have a steam humidifier you can. Also adjust the Heat Differential This is not true, but it will allow the Ecobee to call for humidity even without heat I let the fan run overnight and the humidifier dial turned on all the way and the The ecobee thermostat must be configured to either run only the humidifier Evaporative humidifiers require a heat source and only activate during heating calls. Test mode allows you to force the ecobee to run heating, cooling or connected accessories to help troubleshoot and confirm the ecobee is configured correctly. With that diagram. 6 wires to Can ecobee run humidifier without heat? The ecobee3 will take control for you, no problem! This is an example of a “steam”humidifier, which heats up the water itself and can humidify without the furnace running. Others seems to be suggesting that the two J12 wires can go directly from the humidifier to the ecobee without connection to the heat pump. How to Set Reminders and Alerts. I reinstalled the old thermostat and it is working as expected (heat + fan). I've got an ecobee 3 controlling a furnace with a bypass humidifier. This is even more likely to be a problem if you have a modern furnace that has a very low blower speed when the heat isn't on. Ecobee wants the humidity to be 36% and it has called for the humidifier to run based on the ecobee website history data, but the humidity inside the house is currently 13%. Would wiring it this way essentially just dump water down the drain? I was able to get the issue trouble shot down to the ecobee weather service. Have I missed something? Basically the ecobee is connected to the solenoid directly. I had written ecobee and this is what they wrote back, in case it is helpful. I run a pellet stove 5) Configure the Ecobee for STEAM humidification (I know the Aprilaire is evaporative, but that’s OK). I'm eventually switching to Upon further staring at the Beestat graph, I think what's happening is that the Ecobee calls for heat, the HP kicks on for a short period (if at all), and then the air handler continues to run without heat until finally the Ecobee kicks the Aux on. ecobee New Smart Thermostat Enhanced - Programmable Wifi Thermostat - Works with Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant - Energy Star Certified - Smart Home The all new ecobee's Smart Thermostat Enhanced gives you automatic energy savings and adapts to your lifestyle by adjusting temperature based on occupancy, suggesting schedule changes, and optimizing However, this means that when the Ecobee calls for heat, the humidifier will come on. I think the idea is that the HVAC fan would run without the heat. You cannot schedule a specific run-time, but you can specify a number of minutes that you would like it to run per hour. Found the Aprilaire humidifier with the outdoor sensor did a better job with controlling the humidity, so I disconnected the ACC wires set the aprilaire to auto and connected to hot water (Aprilaire can now call the I have my Ecobee set up to have a minimum of 10 minutes of run time each hour. Your heat cycle is crossing the setpoint threshold for when your humidifier turns on. Top. Setup the Ecobee for steam humidifier (I know the Aprilar is evaporative). Need a Compatible with most homes Smart Thermostat Lite work with radiant heating systems, multistage, and dual-fuel heat pumps. But it’s not kicking in if I want it to run when I set it to 50% to test it if it will work by it self. Your humidifier will work much better, and no you will not start growing moss in your vents :-). It is from 2008-2010. As winter approached I changed the Aprilaire humidifier, run through ecobee, to 50% humidity. When calling for heat the FET terminals within the ecobee will communicate 24vAC, no more, no less, to the W1 OP, Are there multiple systems? ie: separate heating and cooling systems, or at least separate transformers? If not, remove the black wire from the thermostat and re-run the setup. Your goal, of course, is to find that combination of settings that minimizes the toaster heat.
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