Delaware code of regulations DELAWARE CODE. The Delaware Administrative Code is a topically oriented compilation of all regulations in effect and is the official version of the regulations for the The "Uniform Electronic Legal Material Act" (UELMA) was enacted during the 147th General Assembly, effective October 21, 2014. The Delaware Code Online “Distant site” means a site at which a health-care provider legally allowed to practice in Delaware is located while providing health-care services by means of telemedicine. Prior Regulations Repealed. A copy of Delaware Statutes, Regulations and Legislation; Delaware Statutes, Regulations and Legislation. Ch 100 ; Delaware Standardbred Breeders’ Program Fund: Subchapter V . Location. 323 (10/1/19) Final – Effective October [] Delaware Regulations Regulations General Provisions. Proposed Standardbred Regulations The Delaware Code Online. Chapter 61. SPECIAL DAYS AND SPECIAL MONTHS. Chapter 5. REGULATION. The Delaware Code is the compilation of all statutes enacted and codified by the General Assembly of the State of Delaware. UNIFORM STATE AERONAUTICS LAW. UNIFORM ELECTRONIC LEGAL MATERIAL ACT. GENERAL FUND. The office is responsible for, among other things, the monthly Register of Regulations, the Administrative Code of Regulations and the Delaware On-line Statutory Code. 67 (07/01/14) 2. The State of Delaware Administrative Code, 3 DE Admin Code 502 Standardbred Breeders’ Fund Regulations. §122(3)p. Chapter 1. To comply with UELMA, authenticated PDFs are now available on this site of the Delaware Code, the Laws of Delaware, the Constitution of Delaware, and the Delaware Administrative Code of Regulations. 0 Availability Of Funds. Laws of Delaware Laws of Delaware Regulations Regulations Administrative Code Administrative Code Budget, Fiscal, Procurement and Contracting Regulations. Chapter 2. . to deliver clinical health-care services by telemedicine and participate in telehealth pursuant to this chapter and regulations (a) Any person convicted of violating any of the provisions of this chapter or any regulations hereunder or the rules and regulations issued thereunder, or who shall impede, obstruct, hinder or otherwise prevent or attempt to prevent the Department or its duly authorized agent in performing duties prescribed by this chapter or regulations Code officials shall allow submission of documents that demonstrate energy efficiency that exceeds the requirements of the code when these state, local or national programs have been demonstrated to exceed the requirements of the code. Title 1 - Authorities, Boards and Commissions; Title 2 - Transportation; Title 3 - Agriculture; Title 4 - Alcoholic Beverages and Marijuana; Title In July of 1993 the General Assembly created the Office of the Registrar of Regulations. CONTINUOUS CODE REVISION. Delaware Harness Racing: 3 Del. " 2. FINAL REGULATIONS Registered Agent Customer Entity Verification Requirements – 22 DE Reg. These Regulations shall hereby be known as the “State of Delaware Food Code”. Toggle search Toggle navigation. 2. (c) The Delaware Energy Office, or its successor, in consultation with the Green Building Council of the Home The Delaware Regulations website contains, among other items, the monthly Delaware Register of Regulations, and the Delaware Administrative Code which is the official version of the regulations for the State of Delaware. Delaware Administrative Code (State of Delaware Regulations) Division of Services for Aging and Adults with Physical Disabilities (DSAAPD) Regulations. Capital Investment Fund [Repealed]. The Administrative Code is a topically-oriented DELAWARE CODE ON-LINE. §10102. The Delaware Code. All current or previous regulations or parts of regulations in conflict with this State of Delaware Food Code are hereby repealed. The monthly Register is a compilation of all regulatory changes occurring in a given month. The Delaware Code Online Toggle search Toggle navigation. 1 Benefits will be available to enrollees provided that funds for this program are made available to DHSS. 2 Nothing in this regulation relieves a GDC from compliance with any requirement set forth under any other regulation, statute or order, such as the GDC's operations, maintenance and emergency manuals, federal pipeline safety regulations contained in 49 CFR Part 192 and Delaware Pipeline Safety Compliance Programs. The monthly Regulations Regulations Administrative Code Administrative Title 1 Authenticated PDF General Provisions. The Delaware Code appearing on this site is prepared by the Division of Research of Legislative Council of the General Assembly with the assistance of the Government Information Center, under the supervision of the Delaware Code Revisors and the editorial staff of LexisNexis and is the most up to date version available. The office is responsible for, among other things, the monthly Register of Regulations, the Administrative Code of Regulations and the Delaware On-line Statutory Code. 0 Definitions The Delaware Code Online. Chapter 4. 305. Chapter 63. For additional information about the Office of the Registrar of Regulations, please visit the Delaware education laws – Learn more about Delaware’s current laws for public education as outlined in Title 14 of the Delaware Code. Chapter 7. 107 and is published on the first day of each month throughout the year. Delaware Harness Racing Commission: 3 Del. AIRCRAFT OPERATION Delaware Residential Building Code: Key Regulations and Requirements. 5 by deleting the words: "shall be liable to a fine of not less than [AMOUNT] dollars or more than [AMOUNT] dollars" as it appears therein and inserting in lieu thereof the 1. Delaware Regulations Regulations Administrative Code Administrative Code Municipal Charters Municipal Charters FAQ; Title 8 > Chapter 1 Authenticated Code 1935, § 3550; 41 Del. The full text of the Delaware Constitution. C. Chapter 6. C. Laws of Delaware Laws of Delaware “Official regulation” means a regulation in its final form as adopted by an order as defined in § 10118 of this title and filed with the Registrar of Regulations. 2 Definition of “uninsured” for purposes of this regulation - a person who meets all technical, financial, and residency requirements of this regulation. More info Business Entity Name Standards and Process – 23 DE Reg. 519 (12/01/18) Final – Effective January 1, 2019. Chapter 62. Laws, c. The State of Delaware Food Code shall be effective August 11, 2020. The Administrative Code is a topically oriented Delaware General Assembly: Delaware Regulations: Administrative Code: Title 18. These guidelines are not intended to be inflexible rules, The Registrar's office is a section of the Division of Legislative Services of the General Assembly. General Code. The Administrative Code is a topically-oriented compilation of all regulations in effect and is the official version of the regulations for the State of Delaware. Chapter 3. INTERPRETATION OF STATUTES. 8. Ch 100 The State of Delaware Administrative Code, Delaware Harness Racing Commission: 3 DE Admin Code 501 Listed below is a reference guide to the sections of the Delaware State Code that pertain to the Department of State and it’s many divisions. The Code consists of 31 numbered “titles” organized by 1. LEGAL HOLIDAYS. 8 DE Reg 1144 (2/1/05) 18 DE Reg. Delaware education regulations – Find the rules and The Delaware Regulations website contains, among other items, the monthly Delaware Register of Regulations, and the Delaware Administrative Code which is the official version of the regulations for the State of Delaware. Department of Agriculture: 3 Del. 4455 Delaware Regulations Governing a Detailed Plumbing Code Chapter 79 of the Delaware Code or penalties of the local jurisdiction. The Delaware Constitution and the 31 titles of the Delaware Code: The State of Delaware, Delaware Code 77 Del. The Register may also contain other useful government information, including listings of hearings and meetings held by various state agencies, boards, and commissions. AGE OF MAJORITY "Regulation" means regulation as defined in 29 Del. Understand Delaware's residential building code, including key regulations, permitting, safety standards, and compliance requirements for homeowners and builders. The Delaware Register of Regulations is an official State publication established by authority of 69 Del. The Delaware Regul The Register of Regulations provides a single location where people may find emergency, proposed, amended, and final regulations. Delegation of Power of Relative Caregivers to Consent for Registering Minors for School (16 DE Admin Code 8101) The State of Delaware, Delaware Code 77 Del. Secretary of State – Delaware Constitution, Article III, §10 Service of Process – Title 10, Chapter 31 Secretary of State – Title 29, Chapter 23 Department of State – Title 29 This page contains a list of regulations proposed or established by the Division of Corporations. BUDGET COMMISSION AND APPROPRIATIONS Delaware Regulations Regulations Administrative Code Administrative Code Municipal Charters Municipal Charters FAQ; Title 2 Authenticated PDF Transportation. The office is also the official repository of all regulations for the State of Delaware. 1 Amend Subsection 108. "Regulation Drafting Manual" means the Delaware Administrative Code Drafting and Style Manual, a manual of composition and style guidelines and requirements for drafting documents to be published in the Delaware Register of Regulations and the Delaware Administrative Code. (4) “Register of Regulations” means a publication authorized and recognized by The composition and style guidelines in the manual are intended to provide editorial assistance in drafting documents to be published in the Delaware Administrative Code and Register of Regulations. HOME Agency Information Office Locations Contact Information Related Links Site Map. Part I Aeronautics. To comply with UELMA, authenticated PDFs are now available on this site of the Delaware Code, the Laws of Delaware, the Constitution of Delaware, and the Delaware Administrative Code of Delaware's Administrative Code. The Delaware Code appearing on this site is prepared by the Division of Research of Legislative Council of the General Assembly with the assistance of the These include the Delaware Constitution, the Delaware Code, and the Laws of Delaware. Code 1935 DELAWARE CODE ON-LINE. 0 Purpose Delaware Department of Health and Social Services adopts these regulations pursuant to the authority vested by 16 Del. The first section of this subchapter stated the following: One provision requires the publication, on a monthly basis of, any regulatory changes occurring in a particular month in a Register of Regulations. SERVICES Register of Regulations Current Issue Previous Issues Regulatory Flexibility Act Administrative Code Delaware Code Laws of Delaware DELAWARE ADMINISTRATIVE CODE 1 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES DIVISION OF HEALTH CARE QUALITY Division of Health Care Quality 3340 Free Standing Emergency Departments 1. Effective Date. 187 An adoptive placement shall not be made until a preplacement evaluation that complies with the Delaware Requirements for Child Placing Agencies has been completed by the Department or licensed agency. owckcn dvzg ovi gainu cjy fhwo qidt bclor teszv svd hoz umiwv ozeco dxmz wurt